
D to the E, to the L-I-C-I-O-U-S



01-08-2023, 11:33 PM

There, they had a plan. Medusa said it was solid, and she was ready to go. Nguruvilu was glad that the skeletal-marked she wolf agreed. She was sure that their plan would work. All they needed to do was find their prey here in the mangroves. A sense of eagerness crept up on Nuru as she moved forward, fanning out just a little from her position near Medusa. Her ears were perked forward, her nose twitching as she tested the air. The scent of prey was clear in the air, and so long as they went carefully, they wouldn’t spook the herd before they found them. It took careful steps, watching how much weight she put down in the bits of water between the mangroves, but Nguruvilu was sure that they would be upon the herd any moment.

Nuru had been right about her hunch. Within a couple of minutes the scent had grown stronger, and, sure enough, in the faint glow from the plant life, she could make out the silhouettes of the deer. She paused, shifting her blue gaze to Medusa in hopes that the other woman would do the same. Her eartips quivered, the thrill of the pending hunt sending tingles down her spine. Nguruvilu glanced back to the deer, scanning the herd best she could with the limited light. She wasn’t able to see any with potential injury, but she could tell the bucks from the does and it seemed there was an aged doe on the very outside of the herd getting a drink.

That one.

Nuru swished her tail and began to creep forward, leaving her trust in Medusa that she would be ready when Ruu got the herd running. She had closed the distance between herself and her mark best she could, and now…

Nuru sprang forth, the entirety of the herd startling into a state of alarm. Nguruvilu kept her gaze on her target however, drawing in close as snapping jaws “encouraged” the elderly doe to move away from the rest of the herd. She just hoped that Medusa would be ready in the wings to start closing the distance for the kill. Once she was sure Medusa was close she could work on slowing the doe down.


Tracked and kill any medium prey animal (Whitetail Deer) - 2 / 3

"Talk, 'Think.'