
If this is all I have I'm not gonna lose it


Memento Mori


Expert Intellectual (215)

Advanced Fighter (70)

6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipTreat 2019
01-08-2023, 11:37 PM

Jynn was sympathetic to her struggles. It was hard being dexterous with the paws their kind had, and it didn’t appear as if the companions Jynn had made it any easier. Rein at least tried to help her from time to time, but Jacques had none of the crafting, snorting with disdain at the very idea of trying to shape something with his paws. Memento was far more stubborn, wanting to make things work somehow, some way. She enjoyed the challenge of crafting, even if things didn’t always work out the way she wanted them to.

“Exactly. I find that the learning and experimenting process with crafting is one of the joys of it, you know? Not knowing what may work, and getting ideas on how to make something better.” Meme grinned a little. Crafting would always be her true calling. Sure she might have some fighting skill, but it wasn’t really what she wanted to do with her life.

A splash caught Jynn’s attention and Memento Mori perked her ears, her pale gaze trailing to the basket as it was pulled out. A fish had indeed been caught in the trap. Not a very big one, but a meal was a meal. “A catch is a catch, and one well deserved. You can always put the trap back in while you munch that little guy, and hopefully you’ll be able to catch more before long.” Meme told her. Her ears perked, the sound of birds in the nearby trees shuffling and causing snow to fall being noticed as well.

“Not to mention it seems like there might be a decent amount of small game here as well.” Memento Mori chuckled. “You know, you should visit the Hollows sometime. Maybe bring some of your crafts to trade. I’m sure our Aegis would be receptive of your talents. Could be an easier way to get some things.” Meme suggested. Sometimes trading for goods was easier than making them yourself.

"Talk, 'Think.'