
"She was screaming, so I killed her"


10-18-2013, 05:22 PM (This post was last modified: 10-21-2013, 12:06 AM by Dexter.)

Everything around him was white, bright and cold the male trekked slowly through the frozen lands with ease. He was born and raised in snow, frozen winds and biting sunsets were what he remembered, the blood red skies cried their agony over innocent powder. Here it was different though, that sense of welcome wasn't here, the peace he found in his childhood tundra was absent as the wind slapped him in the face, the sharp nails of mother nature digging in and dragging themselves against his face, the wind wiggling its way under his long thick fur.

A chill raced down his spine as he continued to pad slowly through the white, baby blue eyes slicing through the snow that fell, the only thing visible on the male was his black spots and the bold stripe that show down his spine. His head was throbbing, since he had parted ways from that strange peppy girl the agony in his skull was unbearable, he had to make it stop. Daggers on chalkboards he grit his teeth and squinted his eyes as he moved on.

He could make it stop, knew how to, but it was dangerous, new lands, strange wolves with new tactics, and terrain that was foreign to his paws. But he had to make it stop... Silently snarling he dipped his massive head to the ground, walking with a terrifying grimace on his maw, as he laid eyes upon the geyser, he felt like he might loose control. The pulsating heat giving off waves of near madness to the usually numb male.

It would happen. Tonight.