
Looking for the Daylight



"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
01-11-2023, 01:32 AM

Despite the grief that hangs like a thick robe around her shoulders, the young Andromeda enjoys the time she gets to spend with Briar. As they talk, the pup finds herself imagining what she might be like when she grows up. Will she like her beautiful sister? Strong and graceful under pressure? Andy doubts it and a part of her knows that is okay. They are both unique individuals who have their lives and experiences. That doesn’t mean that they won’t be there for each other or offer support when needed.

The lazily drifting thoughts bring a smile to the lavender pup’s lips and she listens to everything her sister says. Underneath the caring, kind mask her sister wears, Andy catches glimpses of the hurting wolf that lays just beneath the surface. A sage nod is given as Briar talks about their father being able to attack death itself and a weary smile tugs at the lips and she leans into her sister. If only it could be so easy. Hell, she would have taken a couple shots at it herself if she could touch it. Actually, she knows a whole slew of wolves that would be lined up to attack it.

It takes the pup a little bit to sort through her thoughts and, when she speaks again, Andy voices her reluctance to return to Armada lands. With her eyes closed and body pressed gently into her sister’s side, the lavender girl does not see her sister’s other leg move up to fully embrace her. However, as soon as she feels it encircle her small body and the pup melts into the embrace with genuine gratitude. Oh, how she has missed the tender moments like these. Hugs and kisses had been their mother’s forte and, with her gone and dad angry, the pup has missed these gentler ministrations.

A kiss is placed upon her crown and the lavender girl blinks open her eyes while releasing a soft, content sigh. Part of knows that she cannot stay here but it had been a nice thought and Briar’s words lift do her heart. Pale blue eyes look up at her older sister, drinking in every word that she speaks and, while there is sadness in the corners of her eyes, Andy knows that everything Briar says is true. Only when Briar finishes talking does the pup softly offer, “Okay. I love you sis.” She wraps her forelegs around her older sibling, returning the embrace and allowing herself to revel in the moment a little longer.

Unwilling to let go just yet, she adds, “Can Thorn and Dusk and Taly and Bramble and Ciaran come visit me too?” Hopefully, Andy looks into her sister’s eyes, already planning what she would show them all when they came to visit.

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.