
Strength In Numbers

Charlie & Kite Fighting Seasonal



Expert Fighter (175)

Advanced Intellectual (105)

2 Years
Dire wolf
01-11-2023, 11:40 PM

They had returned home to the North, and though Charlie had, for the most part, enjoyed the Hallows, he was glad to be back. It wasn’t quite the same, however. The loss of the pup’s mother was felt by all of them, although in different ways. The boy had been doing his best not to get sad, and focus on settling back in. He’d had to kick up his studies on his skills as well, especially given that his siblings felt way ahead of him. But hey, better late than never, right? His father had been working with him on refining a weapon, and his mother had left him some armor, though he had yet to try to wear it. He liked being able to look at it though. It reminded him of his mother, after all.

Charlie had awoke that morning and spent a good portion of it cleaning his armor and the weapon that he’d been working on. His father had told him that he’d be responsible for caring for them, and that keeping them clean and in pristine condition was a must. Charlie quickly found the act of cleaning his things soothing, a calm routine that he could fall into. He found himself smiling by the time he was done, and the afternoon sun having crept further along in the sky. With nothing else pressing him for now, he had decided to try and find Andromeda, one of his siblings he’d spent the most time with.

The boy picked up his sister’s scent easily and began to trail her through the Armada’s lands. His tail wagged back and forth, his ears perked forward, but as he started to near the edge of their territory he began to grow worried. He took on a more cautious stance and he proceeded forward… at least until he heard Andromeda’s call. That was enough to get Charlie coming in at a run, his ears flicked back. Andy needed help. He didn’t have a lot of experience fighting, but Charlie wouldn’t ignore that call.

He was nearing the treeline when he saw the coyotes stalking out and, without hesitation, the fanged boy charged right into one of them. He snarled as the coyote went staggering forward, trying to catch itself from falling on its face, as Charlie’s blue gaze sweeping the scene and seeing just how many of the critters there were. Crap, this wasn’t good! Would the two of them be able to take on as many of these coyotes as there were? And why were thy being so ballsy to try and attack a wolf anyway?


436 Words
781 / 1,500 Words

"Speech," 'Thought.'