
"She was screaming, so I killed her"


10-18-2013, 07:40 PM (This post was last modified: 10-18-2013, 07:41 PM by Dexter.)

He had noticed the pungent scent of femme as he stared at the gushing fountain of boiling water, he was going to ignore this one, only attacking women when he had reason, when she approached him. Her coat was a mixture of jet black on top, her underside silver as the moonlight glinted off the silver that poked out from underneath her, as the moon shone brightly on the two hell beast's he snarled as her bright blue eyes locked onto him, his own baby blues locking back on her's as a challenge was issued.

For a woman she had an impressive amount of muscle mass, rivaling his own as he pulled his large body up tall. She was taller, but probably not any stronger then himself. There was a scar on her face, a ripped piece of flesh from a time before, curving up sharply into a morbid branding of a smile. The look on her face emitting a fit of giggles, mad in their fits, the saliva dripped off her canines as she spoke, words of attempted insult and egging him on, trying to fuel anger inside.

Dexter felt no emotions, his insides filled with nothing but the ripping need to sate the pounding in his head. She called him bastard, saying he came upon the 'Northern domain of the beast', he himself mad and crazed let out a loud snarl, a near roar, as he responded. I have a name, tremble in it's wake... A deep gutteral growl as saliva dripped from his own parted jowls, snapping at her in warning.

This is not your domain Curr... If it was... I would have smelled your rotting ass from a mile away... As he drew himself up taller he bristled his fur and snarled at her once more, daggers flashing sharply under the dark glint of the lunar goddess. I am Dexter, Whelp... It would be good to remember the name of your victor... He smirked at her cockily as he lowered his head just slightly at her, his own body at dangerous alert, refusing to make the first move he stood his ground. Only fool's attacked first.