
My job ain't a job, it's a damn good time




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
01-12-2023, 07:30 PM

Manea listened with interest as Bellamy told her of Ethne and the lands that they now occupied. She was fairly familiar with Auster after the time that they had spent there between Hallows and Fenmyre so she was able to pin point the area in her mind pretty easily. She was very glad to hear of another pack coming into existence with a friendly face at the helm—and for the fact that Bellamy and her children now had a stable place to call home. She knew from experience that having a real home was beneficial in so many ways. "Congratulations are definitely in order then," she replied with a grin, her tail wagging gently behind her. It didn't seem to be all good news, however, as Bellamy went on to describe how one of her daughters had been led astray by a male from another pack, the news making a concerned frown pull at her lips. The proximity of the pack where Bellamy described that they lived made Manea think of the Pirate heathens, but she didn't know how much of that was fact and how much of that was her own prejudice toward them.

Still, as Bellamy pointed out, that wasn't why she had come and Manea didn't want to dampen the mood too much so she eased her expression with another smile as her guest congratulated her on another litter. Thank you," she said with a soft chuckle and a nod of her head. "They were born quite recently, actually. You just happened to catch me on one of my first real patrols now that they're able to be without me for stretches of time so good timing on your part." As Bellamy opened the bag she brought and presented the gifts that she had with her, Manea blinked with surprise, smiling gratefully at the assortment of herbs and the candy that she was also very sure the pups would enjoy. "You're far too kind, Bellamy. Thank you again," she said with genuine gratitude.

She settled back onto her haunches as her now fellow alpha asked about Elysium and the state of things, settling in a bit to get more comfortable as they began to chat. "We're doing well," she replied with a smile. "I've been happy to welcome our newest pups of course as well as a couple new members on top of that. Of course there's always the added challenge of more mouths to feed, but what Elysium lacks in healers it more than makes up for with warriors and hunters," she explained with a chuckle. "I suppose my ranks are a bit unbalanced in that sense, but the two healers that I am lucky enough to have are quite talented." She gave Bellamy a curious look and asked, "How about you? Everything with Ethne settling in alright besides the one incident?"

"Manea Mendacium"