
In My Defense I Was Left Unsupervised (PO)



Intermediate Intellectual (50)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
01-14-2023, 10:10 PM (This post was last modified: 01-14-2023, 10:10 PM by Zoey. Edited 1 time in total.)
It was likely Ulmaria’s saving grace that Zoey happened to be passing by, the young girl having been busy scouring the outskirts of the oasis. She’d found some unique human relics - the whole desert was a goldmine for them, apparently, and she carried her new treasure with pride. A large medallion of sorts, perhaps ancoent currency of some kind - but she had yet to thoroughly examine it in her own den, where all her supplies were. Thinking about how she’d be able to see all the coin’s textures and try and determine its approximate age filled her with unimaginable glee, her tail wagging wildly behind her as she crossed the sands towards the cave entrances. She was quite relieved to be heading underneath the surface, where it was undoubtedly cooler. Her tongue lolled out of the way of the medallion she held, making her realize how thirsty she was. Well, she’d get a sip later. This precious ancient item needed to be-

Zoey nearly bumped into an unfamiliar rump - the rump of a wolf who was in a precarious situation, it seemed, covered in egg yolk running down her fur and seemingly twisted up in roots in a shrub that sat above the cave. The girl blinked, adjusting her goggled as she then sprung into action. Setting down the medallion to the side, Zpey hustled over to the wolf’s side, attempting to peer into the cave entrance to see just how the poor lady got stuck. ”Oh man, you’re really stuck!” She chirped, though her brow furrowed in concern, which also showed in her tone. She scrambled from one side to another, trying to find the best way to get her out. Glancing up at the tangled shrub, she leaned forward and called out to the girl, ”I’ll get you out though, no worries! I’m gonna pull that shrub off of ya, okay? And then uhh..I might have an idea on how to pull you out from there too!” She promptly began her best efforts to gently but firmly tug away the tangled roots from the girl’s back, hoping that would clear the way for her next step at least.
