
Ehhh that’s good enough - mediocretes



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
01-14-2023, 10:22 PM

Usagi was patrolling the depths of the bamboo, expertly padding through the maze in a serpentine pattern to get every last bit of the territory checked. His daily routine comprised of frequent patrolling amidst sparring ajd swordfighting - but the patrols were mainly a slight remainder of the attack by the two foolish Pirates seasons ago. Even the snapped ankle he’d been given had left a poor taste in his mouth, and since then, he was determined not to let any unfamiliar creature - be it wolf, bird or bear - dare cross his path without a level of aggression. He was never the welcoming type, and he certainly wasn’t going to practice his manners now.

Pack members were different, of course - he held a deep level of respect and admiration for his superiors. Hattori, of course, being a dostant cousin but also his leader and a trusted one at that, always got the utmost respect from him. He was less familiar with Áskell as the two didn’t cross paths as often, but he still treated him with that cordial manner he had for others. Upon turning a corner, the sword-wielding koi found himself in a small clearing where the Taicho was getting bandaged by a macaque - presumably his companion. The hohei furrowed his brow at whatever small amount of the nasty scarring he could see, and a fire boiled within his chest, wondering if his superior had gotten into a fight. Did he need to track down the bastard that did this? But maintaining his compsure, he approached the man but remained a small distance away to give him space. His chartreuse eyes flickered towards the bandaged forelegs, then to the man’s face. He dipped his head politely before inquiring, "Who did this to you, Áskell?” Straight to the point, typical of him.

”Speech”  ’Thought’

wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—