
Welcome To The Murder Party

Pack meeting/recruitment



2 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
01-15-2023, 01:32 AM

As he waited for his brother to give him a straight answer, the raucous voice of an older fae piped up from the front of the group. She was quick to welcome those who had shown their faces to join the pack, confirming his suspicions even if Acacius hadn't piped up. He had no idea when the mysterious woman addressed him, since he wasn't aware that he had those "pretty eyes" that he'd inherited from his father. Regardless, he tipped his head and pointed his ears towards the front of the gathering to listen to the diatribe that came from the strange woman about the pack she was raising. It sounded a whole lot more involved than anything he was used to, and there seemed like a lot of rules. Was that really something he wanted to deal with? After all, life as a nomad had suited him just fine thus far. But he missed his siblings, and knowing that at least Acacius would be around for him to pester when he got bored.. well that had some appeal for sure.

The whole ordeal was cut short by the sudden emergence of conflict in their midst. A male voice spoke up, and as he pivoted to face the source of the challenge, the subtle aroma of puppies and milk breath wafted on the breeze. Ah, he was challenging for the freedom of his little ones, which was admirable of him. With a soft grunt, he turned his head back towards where he knew his brother was sitting. "Some kind of record for drama here, huh?" he murmured, flashing his teeth in a grin. Dark form settled heavily onto his haunches and he waited for the whole debacle to quiet down. After all, it was always entertaining to drink it all in. However, it seemed short lived. Tame, even. He'd been hoping for screaming and bloodshed, just for the hell of it. Instead, they were.. civil? A soft sigh shuddered past dark lips. Well, that was that.

A few more voices spoke up, requesting ranks and roles within the pack. In a lull, he decided to jump in headfirst. Fuck the consequences, he'd deal with them later. Maybe this would be fun, he hadn't been in a pack since he was a little one, after all. "If I can claim the rank of Creeper, I would like that." eerie vocals rose in a gleeful singsong. With that said, it was time to wait for more potential chaos to unfold. He could catch up properly with his brother later on, right?


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