
The Last Point of Helplessness



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

01-15-2023, 06:09 PM
OOC | Hi. Hello. You'll have to forgive me. I did not realize Irilyth shared the same living space as Mariah and her family. Don't mind the sudden 'aha' recognition as I recon her into a more canonically correct frame of mind. We'll just call it puppy brain ^^;
When Irilyth suggested that she was around quite often, and reminded her that she had lived in the large cave system along with her and her family, recognition dawned on the Mendacium girl. There were always pleasant exchanges, sweet words, and casual displays of affection on the occasional passing. But beyond that, she still wasn't familiar with very many outside her parents and Malico. Her expression relaxed, as she connected the dots, and offered a nod in acknowledgment. However, at her refusal of another checkup, the older woman seemed to have found humor. It brought her a pang of annoyance, as she wasn't trying to be funny even though it was interpreted as such. She was quite serious, in fact. Regardless, Irilyth seemed to reassure her that it wasn't necessary. Of course, Mariah didn't think the majority of them were necessary. But she wouldn't gratify it with another response, as she was sure that she had made her stance perfectly clear.

When prompted on the uses of the herbs, it seemed that she had found common ground. Mariah acknowledged the Meadowsweet as Irilyth pointed it out, committing its name to memory. It had a very distinct look about it. Relatively large white clusters that almost looked ... fuzzy in nature. But before she had time to ask for an elaboration, the healer was already introducing the next specimen. Valerian Root. It had a similar texture, but smaller and a more vibrant color. After the introduction, Irilyth rolled immediately into an explanation of their use, which Mariah found fascinating. A thought entered her mind, what would be the effect if the Valerian Root was taken by someone who didn't have trouble sleeping? Would they be extra sleepy? She would either ask later or figure it out for herself.

With the identity given of the Lavender- she returned her attention to it. So far, out of what she had seen, and what she had been introduced to, it was by far her favorite. Mariah recognized that in its dried state, it was likely not as vibrant in color as it had been when it was alive. However, the indication of purple was there, and it reminded her of her mother. It felt soothing when she had inhaled its scent. But that simply fell into line with the explanation she was given as to what it was used for. The part mentioned to her about her father's medication didn't actually catch her attention as she was too busy absorbed in her own thoughts or perhaps she would have asked for a more informative explanation.

The movement of Irilyth finishing her task brought her back to the surface. At the inquiry as to where her interests lie, she was quick to answer. "Yes, very interested." The girl responded- her next question coming quickly in order to clear her mind. "If someone was bleeding, how would you start to repair it? Like a cut, I mean." Mariah's mind wandered back to when Manea's small cut on her paw. It was small and non-concerning, but she couldn't help but think of how it would have been handled differently had it been a more major injury.