
The Bones of What Was



Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years

WordySamhain 2022
01-16-2023, 01:29 AM
Anthea relaxed a bit as the woman she had accidentally walked up on excused her and insisted there was no need for an apology. "I suppose that's true," she replied with a soft chuckle when the smaller woman mentioned how unlikely it was that she would run into someone in a place like this in the middle of the night. There was always the chance that this island was actually home to someone, but she hadn't caught a very noticeable scent when she came onto the shore so if they did they didn't make their presence super noticeable. Maybe this was just one of those kinds of places that made for a good place to visit from time to time. It was certainly beautiful if nothing else which she certainly appreciated. The tropical nature of it still itched at some strange part of her broken memory, but the new woman suddenly in her path had distracted her from it for the time being.

The interestingly marked, graceful woman slipped down from her perch and shook out her coat, but it wasn't until she settled onto her haunches that Anthea did the same. Sitting down on the sand, she gave Scylla a small smile as she introduced herself. She didn't know of the family names around these parts other than Carpathius from being around the Hallows for awhile now so she didn't know if Klein was a name of note or not. "Anthea Dásos," she replied with a small dip of her head. "Nice to meet you." When Scylla nodded toward the middle of the island and told her that she shouldn't go that direction, warning of a mess that she might find, Anthea glanced that direction with a raised brow before bringing her blue and green gaze back to Scylla once more. She wasn't sure what that meant, but if this woman thought enough of it to warn her about it then she felt like it was something she should at least take seriously. "Noted," she agreed easily, deciding maybe it was best that she not ask too many questions. "Are you pretty familiar with this place then?" she asked curiously. "I'm still very new to Auster so I'm just getting more familiar with the lands here. I washed up on the Shimmering Shore a couple of months ago."

"Anthea Dásos"