
along the way



Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years

WordySamhain 2022
01-16-2023, 01:58 AM
Anthea moved to the edge of the river, following the edge of it for a bit till she found a spot that wasn't too over grown with shrubbery that they wouldn't be able to get to the water, but wasn't so rocky that it would be slippery and they wouldn't have a good footing. River fishing wasn't something that had been her first task of choice back home, but it was definitely a fun challenge on occasion. This felt like a good opportunity to flex those skills and start falling back into some of the old routines that she did still remember. It felt like the older the memories were the stronger they were and the more easy they were to recall. It was the more recent memories from the wildfire onward that were more fuzzy and unreachable. She began to watch the flow of the river and looking out for any salmon that might jump within reach, wading out into the water just enough to give her some more range.

When Mercery said her name to get her attention, she glanced back over her shoulder with a curious look and a raised brow. His question about having someone back home surprised her and she was sure that showed in her expression before she turned back toward the river. "If you mean a significant other then, no. Well... Not... exactly," she replied with a bit of hesitation. She sighed softly, continuing to watch the river move as she spoke. "The clan I grew up with was pretty isolated. There was just a handful of families that all lived together in the forest where I grew up. Occasionally random loners would join us as they passed through or that some of us met in our trips out for supplies and what not. Because of that it was sometimes hard to find mates since we were all more or less cousins of one another after a certain point. That made arranged marriages with other clans or packs around the continent pretty common." She shrugged with a flick of her ears. "I told my parents I didn't want that, but my father set up one anyway. I was actually supposed to go meet the man they set me up with at the start of spring, but... the wild fire obviously changed some things."

"Anthea Dásos"