
My job ain't a job, it's a damn good time




Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
01-16-2023, 05:57 PM

There were congratulations to be held all around. Bellamy, for her alphaship and securing a safe haven for her family, and Manea for bringing another litter of pups into this world. There was nothing like the feeling of becoming a parent again, and Bellamy had been blessed to experience it twice. She had been delighted with her last litter of little ones, a large one, and they were all so different and unique. It seemed Manea’s youngest were born just recently, and Bellamy’s eyes took a shine to them as the Matriarch mentioned their age. Still so little. They were so adorable at that stage. “I’m certain they’ll be running around before you know it.” Her words were meant in kind.

The black and cream furred woman lowers her haunches to the ground, getting more comfortable as well. color=#fffcee]“That is wonderful to hear. It feels as though Ethne’s own ranks are a bit unbalanced for the moment as well. We’ve attracted fighters and healers, but lack those who focus more on the hunting and crafting arts. We’re coming along though. The adults of the pack are all working together to keep everyone safe and fed. I’m sure as time goes on we’ll recruit more members. It may take some convincing, but I have faith we may have another join us soon. A friend of my daughter’s, in fact.”[/color]

Bellamy gave a small nod at this. “Other than the one incident we’re moving along. But I worry about the lasting effects on the cub after her time with Ignis. He didn’t harm her… but I worry he may try to use that to create a rift between me and the cub. By telling her to come back and see her “friends”.” Bellamy snorted softly. “I’m no saint myself, but Ignis Praetor is not a man to be trusted.. I would suggest your own pack take caution if they run into him. He’s hard to miss, a scarred up red beast.” Bellamy’s lips lifted in a snarl. “No wolf should ever drag someone’s children into a feud between them.”

Though her gaze had hardened at the mention of Ignis, Bellamy tried to bring the focus back to the purpose of her visit. “But… enough of that. I’ve come to potentially discuss an alliance with Elysium, or at the very least friendly terms between the two of our packs. I know your little ones are still too young, but perhaps when our children age we could arrange a meeting between them, having them train amongst each other. And, should you ever need an extra healer, I would be happy to send my daughter here to lend a paw. She is young, but learning fast from her father. She is capable.” Bellamy drew in a breath. “...and though Ethne is small, should you have need of extra fangs, we would lend our forces to yours.”

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.