
A rose can never lie


10-18-2013, 10:58 PM
Tea cupped paws made no sound as the dark fae padded up the stairs, jaws parting as she yawned. She had just been napping in her quarters, when an incessant scrabbling noise disturbed her. So she decided to investigate, since sleeping too much during the day would keep her from her night time beauty sleep. Exotic orbs took in the new she wolf, Ryouta, as she knocked a pebble off the deck of the ship the pack lived in. "How deranged do you have to be, to be entertained by a pebble?" She mused to herself, out loud. She really didn't care if it offended the dark pelted female, she lacked the ability. Besides, this one was interested in her beloved Queen, and the obsidian shadow simply couldn't have that. Although there was something about this one that the sultry ebony demoness found interesting, but she chose not to dwell on that, for she didn't want to be interested in someone who wanted to steal away her Canttina.

Sitting down on the deck of the ship, just inside the doorway, she leaned her shoulder against the warped wood frame. "You woke me up, by the way." She murmured, a slight growl marring her silky, beautiful voice. Still, her vocals managed to sound sexy, more like a cat's purr than a cross statement. She beat her tail against the ground lightly, waiting for an apology.
