
Fight Training! [Armada Warriors]



Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (179)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
01-17-2023, 03:13 AM
Aris had been getting restless cooped up in her den with the puppies, even with her workshop to occupy her attention. She'd gotten used to a great deal of physical activity, but she couldn't just take off daily to patrol or fight on the battlefield, not when the battlefield was so far away from home and the pups were still nursing. Now that they were weaned she was at least able to get out and patrol, so she was getting back to some semblance of her old fitness. She hadn't so much as sparred since her disastrous failure at the raid, though, and she missed the thrill of the fight. Yet, when she heard Gossamer call out for the warriors, it wasn't excitement that made her heart trip over itself and begin to pound, but... fear. Fear of failure. Oddly, realizing she was afraid motivated her into action. Or, maybe not oddly. Aris had always been a spiteful little gremlin and she wouldn't let anyone keep her down even herself. She left the pups with Tansy, who was already looking frazzled as Aris sped out the door (several of the pups were already nearly as big as she was, and keeping all of them in one place was a nearly impossible task even for Aris) but Aris just metaphorically washed her hands of the whole thing and bounded off. She was, perhaps not surprisingly considering her haste to leave, the first to arrive in front of Gossamer. What was surprising though in retrospect also shouldn't have been was that the first of the escaping pups had managed to dog her heels the whole way and arrived right behind her. She rolled her eyes at the determined pup and bowed mockingly to Gossamer. "I await your orders, oh Mighty One."

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1. Fight Training! [Armada Warriors] Soul Sand Cove 03:20 PM, 12-31-2022 06:13 AM, 11-05-2023