
we all make mistakes..?


10-18-2013, 11:19 PM

Was?was she propositioning him? This was happening wasn?t it? He was about eighty-seven percent certain that she was propositioning him now. Not that there really were any viable statistics for this sort of situation. How many men out there had been solicited to warm the beds of the heavily pregnant while concurrently having their tongues bonded to the side of a frozen waterfall? Royale blinked cutely at the honey-colored woman for several seconds, not quite believing the amorous statement had left those lips. It was just so?odd for him. Usually his flirting was observed with minimal significance but not only was she flirting back but she?d all but thrown caution to the wind and thrown down the welcome of all welcomes.

Except?he was pretty sure there was a really big, strong Mister somewhere that wouldn?t value him nearly as much as she would. Somebody had to be responsible for that belly of hers, right? Those things didn?t just poof in there on there own.

?W-well maow,? The boy, never more thankful for a heavy winter coat, blushed. ?Caan?t say ah wud mind, ah am radder floofy.? He remarked but knowing internally there was very little chance he would take her up on that offer. His luck was dicey at the best of times, fighting someone over a female who looked about ready to burst with the brood she was carrying just wasn?t in the cards for him. Not because Royale wouldn?t want to fight for the woman of his dreams. He would, he?d just rather not get his ass kicked for something that wasn?t his to begin with.

Roy found himself trying vainly not to shudder as his still nameless companion rubbed her body down the length of his own. The bulge of her stomach made for an odd transition from the sleeker and less affected areas of her form but that was the furthest thing from his mind at that moment. She was warm, pretty and very much testing the boundaries of whatever it meant to be the mother of someone else?s children.

Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, Royale?s previous common sense seemed to have evaporated. He consciously pressed into her, reveling in the sensations that it brought. The brute?s features spoke volumes for his current mindset, glazed ever so slightly in bliss and a loose smile claiming his parted lips. Yeah, life was good in that moment ? until she put her paw much too close to ?little Roy? and that snapped him out of it. ?Whoa!? Roy jumped, back arched like a furious cat and balancing on the tips of his toes. ?Cowld paws away thum mah maughty bits pwease!? His voice had rocketed up a few octaves while he danced on the spot, tugging enough that his tongue came unstuck by a few increments.

?Haha, a weast buy me binner furst.?
