
The time has come!(Xenios)


03-07-2013, 08:59 PM

The land of Tortuga was truly a survive or die type land.Ulrike stood at the top of the mountain, looking down upon the land that rested below him. To get to that valley of grass and prey you must endure the steep climb down the mountain side. This held the risks of loosing your footing,and getting injured, or even killed. It also held the risk of a rock slide, it consisted of all sized rocks, ranging from a small pebble, to a boulder, bigger than several grown wolves together. Ulrike's black eyes scanned for the perfect place to begin Xenios training. His eyes soon landed upon a small edge of the mountain that stuck out further from the rest,a ledge if you may call it. It was defently big enough for his daughter to stand on an make movements with ease. He did not want her to fall off of the rock ledge during the training.

Ulrike decided that he would go down, and check out the spot to make sure it would work. His paws gently placed them selves one in front of the other, and carried Ulrike's massive frame down the mountain.Loose rocks rolled down the mountain as Ulrike's steps disturbed there rest. He soon came to the ledge that he was looking at from above. He stepped on the ledge, it was indeed big enough, well over big enough for this lesson, He looked up at the top of the mountain, and saw some good sized rocks that rested peacefully. Ulrike took his paw and slammed it down on the ledge. This triggered some rocks to fall towards him. They were good sized rocks that came up to the middle of his legs. As the rocks picked up speed rolling towards him, smaller rocks soon joined in on the race.

Ulrike took a ready stance, his back right leg slid back a bit, giving him a more sturdy balance. His head was lowered for both concentration and balance. His tail was held straight out also keeping ulrike balanced. His black eyes watched as the rocks rolled faster and faster towards him. He did not brake eye contact as it drew nearer and nearer.Once the rocks were about a few inches from him, he took his huge frame and with one swift motion he slid out of the first rocks way. More and more rocks rolled in his direction, Ulrike did not once break stance, he dodged one rock after another, jumping over a few here and there until they stopped coming. Ulrike came back to a normal standing position. This was perfect for her lessons. The lessons he will be teaching here consists of Agility, training, and balance. Ulrike knew the order he was going to use. He stood there waiting for his daughter to show for her lessons.
