
How Bright The World



11 Years
10-19-2013, 12:02 AM
Bane cast an askew glance at Loccain when noticed his arrival, the old wolf's attention solely focusing on his mate down beneath him in their den. Tahlia's whine was returned by the elder, brow creasing in worry as thoughts turned to Alarice and how she died. Birth. The male had heard stories of how some male wolves would eat their young, and so Bsne would let it been Tahlia and the pups den for a few weeks, unless his mate approved of him being in there. Otherwise he would have to sleep outside, not that he'd mind except for the fact that his normally insulating winter pelt wasn't coming in as it used to.

Everything about Bane was tense as he watched Tahlia give birth with the help of Loccain. Even when the Seracian healer went down into the den to physically help out Bane didn't mind. In the Talutah's mind there were only a few wolves he trusted, Loccain being one of them. Two pups were the product of Bane and Tahlia's physical union, the second newborn, male, was stared at by sapphire eyes as the old wolf thought of a name. A few were considered until one that sounded suitable was made up.?

"Jakart, Jakart is the wiggly one." Bane hummed in satisfaction while staring at the whimpering pup, Nako deciding to make an appearance between his two forelegs. The bastard pup looked down into the den and questioned Loccain about Tahlia giving birth, a comforting rasp of a tongue being administered to the top of his pup's head as an answer. Herbs were given to his mate and the old wolf gave a curt nod at the healer who took to sitting on the other side of the entrance again. Bane was glad that she had answered the call as he took to memorizing everything the female had told Tahlia.

"I... thank you Loccian, but I think we have everything we need right now, the whole family is here. Everybody is safe and health." Bane spoke to Loccain as much as he did to Nako, a comfort for one and ending for another. "I'll howl if something is amiss." Nako was picked up by the nape of his neck and the juvenile Seracian went limp without protest. The den was warm and smelled faintly of blood, but Bane didn't mind as he deposited Nako next to his siblings and curled up against the wall of the den, sapphire eyes ever-watching the dens entrance. "Last time your having milk Nako, and even then, it's just to cement the bond with your mother." The tribal wolf spoke with a yawn. "What is the other pups name Tahlia?"
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•