
I'm Out for the Count


5 Years
Athena I
10-19-2013, 12:06 AM

The small hunter smiled as Odette agreed to let Meili train her a bit. The proper way the young fea spoke made her grin, but she was very polite and Meili appreciated that. She stood, her tail wagging gently behind her as she turned to pad toward the tree line. "I'm sure you'll be a great hunter, Odette. I pretty much taught myself how to hunt so my style is probably a little different than others, but it works." She led Odette over to a grouping of bushes just inside the forest and came to a halt.

Turning to look at her new student, Meili smiled and said, "Okay, to catch rabbits, my goal is usually to be as quiet as possible. They hear really well so if they hear you they'll run. So, crouch down to the ground, like this," she paused and bent her legs so her body was low to the ground, but was still able to move her legs and creep across the ground. "I'll usually scent out a rabbit so I have a target first and then get down like this. I usually stick my tail straight out so I have a little better balance too."

Meili lifted her nose and breathed in the air around them, hoping to catch the scent of another rabbit. She wondered if there could possibly be two in the same area this far into winter, but it seemed like luck was on her side today! She caught the fresh scent of rabbit, her ears perking up to catch any sound of it. Her teal eyes searched the forest floor till she finally saw it a several yards away.

She motioned toward the creature with her muzzle so Odette could see it too. She led the way, slowly creeping toward it one paw step at a time so Odette could copy her movements. Once they were close enough to go for their prey, Meili stopped, whispering softly, "Okay, get as close as you can, then move fast! Go for its neck if you can, that's the easiest way to kill it. Don't hesitate or it'll get away." With those last instructions she let her student do the rest.
