
pirate metal x viking metal: the crossover episode

calico jack seasonal

Calico Jack

Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (465)

Master Navigator (285)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Dodge!1KPride - PansexualOoh La LaSamhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
01-18-2023, 01:44 AM
Winter has appeared and wrapped the lands of Boreas in its icy grip and, with the plummeting temperatures has come a strange, new, wonderful thing! Snow. The patchwork-hued pup has never seen the wintery marvel before and Calico Jack is eager to explore this amazing curiosity. Paws crunch the powder stuff as Jack races through the snow, kicking up a small cloud of frozen particles as he passes. Excitement zips along the pup’s nerves, awaking them until they become live wires, and send joy pounding through his very being.

The joy of a youth seeing their first snowfall is evident in every aspect of him as Jack takes long, loping strides across the snow-covered prairie. Jack is thoroughly enjoying the winter day, running as far and as fast as his gangly legs will carry him. His enjoyment has the boy straying into lands far from home but he doesn’t care as he is far more focused on the moment, then any possible consequences. Heart thunders in his ears and tongue hangs from his mouth as he pants from the exertion but the pup does not slow.

Well, not until he hears the snarls and sounds of fighting from close by. Legs stutter and steps falter as pale blue eyes swiftly scan the area, searching for the source of all the sounds. A huge black, shadow of a wolf and two large dogs are being harassed by a large pack of hungry coyotes. Eyebrows lift in wonder as he watches blood fly, the huge male obviously at home outnumbered and in the midst of the fray. Not one to miss out on a good time, Jack angles his body toward the fight and barrels onward, legs easily returning to a long swift lope.

Teeth flash in the wintery sunlight as Calico’s patchwork form smoothly joins the fight, coyotes, dogs, and wolves all seeking to do as much damage as possible. Without slowing, the boy slams into the closest coyote and sends it sprawling into the soft, powdery snow. Being close to his full height, the pup easily towers over the smaller coyotes and he is eager to use that to his advantage. A laugh fills the air as Jack strikes out, teeth seeking the downed creature’s throat and finding it. The struggle bleeds out of the beast along with its bright red blood and the pristine white of the snow is marred with the life of the dying coyote.

Yet Jack pays it no mind, already turning to another of the beasts as the copper tang of blood fills the boy’s nostrils and thrills him to no end. A lucky coyote seeks to bite the pup’s unprotected flank, reaching in to strike, only to stalled by a bright flash of blue and gold. Jolly Roger, the boy’s bird companion, flares his wings, having drove down and into the fight to harass the attacking coyote to protect his friend. The macaw screams, talons scratching at the creature’s face and opening several cuts.

As the coyote shifts attempts to slap its paws at the flying menace, Jolly Roger pumps his wings, buffeting the beast with air and gaining altitude. A hiss fills the air as a cat leaps onto the back of the coyote that is attacking Jolly Roger, and sinks his claws in. The creature howls with rage and attempts to unseat his new rider but Flying Dutchman just sinks his claws in deeper and hisses. A menagerie of animals now fight and a great, joyful laugh echoes through the frigid air as Jack releases his joy.

WC: 595
Total WC: 944 / 1500

"Calico Jack"

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