
I knew you were t r o u b l e *


10-19-2013, 12:14 AM

Lietaenyl rather deliberately ignored Zodiac?s comment, maintaining that she hadn?t made an unseemly habit of trespassing where she shouldn?t be. Instead, the healer gave Taurig a very pointed look as he seemed to come to terms with the situation and how quickly it had devolved from the explanation he had gotten. He wasn?t angry so that much she was thankful for; it meant she wouldn?t be catching an earful while also needing to patch up her sister however that didn?t allay her fears by much. It did open the gateway for the Alpha to self-promote however.

The woman blinked thoughtfully, her expression one of disbelief and acute indifference as this had to be the strangest way to proposition a pair of vagrants ever. Not that she honestly could say she or Zodiac had been invited anywhere considering they had only endured the comforts of one pack in their relatively short lives. Liet jerked noticeably when Zodiac chose to step aside, exposing her completely to the male?s view and Lietaenyl straightened a bit taller, fully prepared to engage him in a (one-sided) stare down when Zodiac piped up again.

She sniffed haughtily. ?More healers and warriors? Or more bodies and people with the aptitude to tend to them?? The remark wasn?t particularly kind but she wasn?t going to be bamboozled into joinging some slapdash pack because they were asked to. However her attention was stolen by the fact that Zodiac didn?t seem inclined to do much of the decision making. Lietaenyl whipped her head around to confirm. ?You?re leaving the decision to me?? Shocked and slightly perturbed was an understatement.

Why would her sister let her make a decision like this? Or rather why would she make her decide it? The striped woman curled her tail around her body, wriggling with obvious discomfort. ?I don?t know.? She muttered lamely. ?It might be an alright idea? Winter isn?t getting further away.? Her gaze moved from her sibling to the male, a hint of suspicion clouding her searching eyes. ?Anything we should know about your land that might be pertinent information for us to have??
