
Fate picked a home for me




Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years

WordySamhain 2022
01-18-2023, 06:07 PM
It had been several months since she found herself in the care of Mercury and the wolves of The Hallows. It was hard to imagine how much time had passed already, but slowly the thought of whatever had happened before faded away had she found herself all the more focused on making a life for herself here. Occasionally she would think longingly of home, but she knew that home was no longer how she remembered it. She didn't know just how much damage that wild fire actually caused, but if she did ever actually manage to figure out how to get home or which way home even was she knew she wouldn't find it the way she remembered it in her scattered memories. She went back and forth over whether she wanted to call this home or if she wanted to go out and explore this new world now that she was healed, but in the end she found herself growing attached to this place and it made the choice easier the longer she stayed.

After a bit of training with Mercery, she went back through the castle grounds in search of Artorias. She knew he was a busy wolf with all of the things that had been happening around the pack besides the usual business of being an alpha and a dad, but hopefully she could manage to catch him at a good time. As she walked back into the castle, she happened to spot Artorias walking down the flight of stairs that led from one of the upper floors and she paused in the large entryway to wait for him, trying to catch his eye with a friendly smile. "Aegis," she greeted politely, giving him a small dip of her head. "Do you have a moment? I can catch you later if now is a bad time."

"Anthea Dásos"