
Strength In Numbers

Charlie & Kite Fighting Seasonal



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (135)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

3 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
01-18-2023, 06:48 PM
Sun and snow was a bad combination for Kite. The way the sun glared off the white was even worse than sunlight by itself. Her bandana was tied firmly about her eyes as she moved cautiously through the forest. Snow crunching under paw didn’t help her figure out where she was going - but Lioness did. The forest cat stuck close to her heels, her fur in contact with her at all times. Her presence was a guide that Kite had gotten accustomed to.

Walking the woods during the day wasn’t something she liked to do. She wouldn’t have been there at all if Azure hadn’t egged her on. He had a way of seeing what she was avoiding. Calling her out on her weaknesses. So she challenged herself, and knocked her head on a few trees for her troubles.

It did, however, mean she was nearby when her sister called. Andy was… Andy was a safe harbour in a storm. She had hidden herself in Andy’s coat so many times in her short life, that the thought of her in trouble sent a shock through Kite’s spine. If it had been an adult she might not have responses. Well. Maybe. She could be reckless, Kite.

But Andy was in trouble. She didn’t have to say anything to Lioness, who was already moving faster. Leading them in the direction of the howl. Trees slapped the blind girl in the face, and she hunkered down, face grim. She didn’t even know when they passed outside of Armada territory, and Lioness didn’t inform her.

She arrived at the scene with a growl and charged. She stumbled and half fell into a warm body. Ah ha! With a triumphant cry she turned and latched her teeth onto whatever body part she could reach. Lioness yowled and slapped her at the same moment, and Kite had time only to press her teeth to skin before she recoiled. The scent of the wolf reaching her then. Oops. “Sorry Charlie!” She said. In her defence, she hadn’t even known her brother had been there. Turning from Charlie, she tried to seek out another opponent. A real one, this time. Her falcon dived with a cry, and she latched onto the sound. Letting it lead her to a coyote. “Rooooar!” She snarled, trying to puff herself up and look fierce.

WC: 369
Total: 1150
