
Time Marches On




Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
01-18-2023, 09:53 PM (This post was last modified: 01-18-2023, 09:55 PM by Deimos. Edited 1 time in total.)

Deimos eagerly watched his mate's reactions to his gift, an amused smile tugging at his lips as she enjoyed the softness of the dark rabbit fur with a rare warmth in his aqua eyes. This cape had been a physical embodiment of his apology to her, an embodiment of the protection he promised her and how he hoped they could move forward together, but he hadn't been sure how much she would like it or what her reaction would be. He didn't want her to feel as if he was just trying to sweep away what he had done with gifts. The positive reactions he got from her made a warmth grow in his chest, his typically more detached expression softening with a fondness that he wasn't used to feeling. Ikigai had a way of pulling emotions up to the surface that he liked to keep hidden for most. He was quickly beginning to realize that maybe there really was something more to the goal of finding his soulmate than simply finding someone who was going to produce the most impressive generation of Mendacium wolves. His sister had always been such a stalwart believer in the deeper meanings behind the "soulmates" they were taught about growing up and he had always been dismissive of it, but Ikigai was starting to sway him despite his best efforts.

What captivated him even more than her reaction to his gift, however, was this more fiery side of her that was slowly coming more and more to the surface as they spent more time together. Ikigai had already grown and changed so much from the reserved, delicate young woman that fate had brought him to at Ashen's borders, but as he drew out and encouraged the subtle temptress that was hiding in her the more he was drawn to her. It was a part of her that he had doubted the existence of at first and now that doubt was gone. As she stepped forward to press a lick to his chin, a soft, low rumble sounded in his chest in response, the amused warmth in his gaze deepening to a natural appreciation and attraction. This was the mother of his children, the woman that was going to give him the one thing that every Mendacium wolf dedicated their lives toward, and when her cheek slid across his own and she whispered her thanks and her assurances that he and this cloak would keep her warm all winter long, any other thought besides his desire for his mate was blown out of the window.

Another quiet rumble left him as his large forepaws slipped under her cloak and around her back, sweeping her easily off of her feet and pulling her smaller frame up into his own, supporting her against him with one paw around her lower back and another between her shoulders. The cape that was still clasped around her neck draped around them, concealing his paw as it roamed further down her back and around the base of her long, silken tail, moving ever lower while his cheek pressed to hers and he caught the edge of a dark ear lightly between his teeth. "If I had my way you wouldn't need this cape to stay warm through the winter," he teased, imagining a world where they didn't have to keep to any responsibilities or duties to the pack where he could melt her as much as they pleased till the end of his days. That wasn't the life they led though, so he would enjoy his long searched for mate as much as he could between their various tasks.

With a chuckle, Deimos gave her rump a firm squeeze before scooping Ikgai up, slipping under her and pulling her onto his back to carry her into their den and to their large bed. Laying her out across it, he unclasped her cape and sat it to the side, fully revealing her lithe, beautiful frame as he gently rolled her onto her back under him. A small grin lingered on his lips as he leaned down over her, following the feminine curve of her jaw and neck with tender licks and light nibbles across her skin and through pale fur. Even though she didn't often speak her desires outright, he was quickly learning her more subtle way of suggestion. She had given him everything—trust and affection he didn't deserve, a life he had thought a lost dream, and now a chance at a real family that he had given up hope of finding. As he moved down her body, roaming his affections across her chest and lower to her stomach, he paused there with a moment of realization, as if the fact that he was going to be a father was really hitting him for the first time. He settled onto his stomach with his forelegs gently slipping under her around her waist, and he pressed a tender kiss to her belly before glancing up at her with a look of fathomless awe and adoration, a genuine smile tugging at his lips. He continued on then, worshiping her body and truly thanking her in the only way he knew how. He tasted and savored all of her for as long as she would allow, reveling in this moment and thanking the Ancients for allowing him this angel.

"Deimos Medacium"