
Hours Left Behind



"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-18-2023, 11:05 PM

Things had been a little different since Scylla had returned north to be with them again. The den became crowded with her and Albi, not that he was complaining. He was cycled back into regular patrol shifts a bit ago but he wasn't ready to drop his promise to his sister of taking a few days off from the duties of the pack. It wasn't necessarily easy for him to ask, but for her he'd do anything. He took every opportunity she gave him to continue their growing deeper relationship, easier to indulge in at night even with sharing their space with Albi and Scylla. He obviously wasn't very outward and boastful about it, but he honestly couldn't help himself some nights when they cuddled. He was at least sure their other siblings wouldn't have been bothered if they knew given the way Scylla acted with him.

They still had some of the day to explore, that's what he assumed his sister would like to do at least. He carried a couple of rolled up pelts strapped around his shoulders and a few other supplies to start a fire as they made their way a little north of where they called home now. He led the way more inland from a river that ran down the the borders of Elysium. It became exceedingly shallow once they reached the forests where they could cross without barely getting a toe wet. He crossed the river, reaching his paw forward and offering it to Ruse who certainly didn't need it but the gesture was musing. He'd let her take more of the lead once they came across the borders. "It makes me miss the tropics of the Isle." He commented about the water but overall the weather in general. He may have born in Ashen, but all he remembered of his life was the island they grew up on in Auster and he especially loved swimming in the ocean waters there. To be with the rest of his siblings was stronger than his distaste of the cold. With a wave of his paw he offered humorously, "Wherever you want to go princess."
