
Wraiths and Shadows




2 Years
01-18-2023, 11:34 PM
Unconsciousness was pretty well as good as it was going to get for her at the present moment. And while she was left alone in her temporary holding cell, it was the state she actively tried to achieve. However, between the ambient noise of the other gathered wolves, and her own aches and pains, sleep was easier said than done. Her throat burned with dryness, her gut protested the emptiness- both intentional weaknesses to keep control of the captives. And because of the minimal access to basic resources there was a consistent throb to her head right behind her eyes- making them overly sensitive to the light. With her silver gaze clenched shut, she pressed herself into the corner of her enclosure- the side of her face and shoulder supported by the makeshift structure. Her knees curled into her chest as she lay on her side in a loose fetal position.

Adelina was entirely tuned out of the world, and became only vaguely aware of the fact that she was no longer alone judging by the two masculine voices on the other side of her containment- though she didn't open her eyes to check. Her muscles tensed on a reflex as she heard her description, which was quite generous actually. While she was new to this ring, these were not new circumstances- having been traded to this lot for goods by her previous captors. Those of which who had done the "capturing" and "breaking"- had gotten their value from her, and were ready to move on to new prospects. But if this man was going to attempt to drive the bargain up, she didn't feel it was her place to stop him. It was when the guide mentioned her feminine appeal that she narrowly opened her eyes. She once again forced the phantom sensation of tucking her tail on herself- even though that was a personal dignity she had lost a long time ago.

Through interlocked eyelashes, she saw the massive obsidian frame belonging to the seemingly interested brute. She remained still through the negotiations. But after the deal had been struck, and after the sound reminiscent of fumbling through belongings, it was then that she was addressed for the first time. Her silver gaze fluttered open just as she hauled herself up on clumsy limbs. It was difficult to steady herself through the inflicted weakness, even still, she stood at attention with an adverted line of sight to await her next instruction.