
Who Will Falter, Who Will Conquer




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
01-18-2023, 11:50 PM
She held her breath as that hard confession made it's way through Alastor's mind, a monster she honestly may have never seen before wholly different than how he was when he killed her father. Still she wouldn't shy from him, wouldn't beg for mercy, she was fully prepared for whatever he was about to do to her. Maybe not anticipating just how far he would take it but nonetheless accepting her punishment for what she had done to him in return. Manea's certainly wasn't enough for her to feel justified. Coming from Alastor meant everything.

When nothing came her shut eyes carefully fell open, watching as he changed from one thing to another, but she could tell nothing was different between them. She was partially confused, expecting him to let loose though she didn't know the extent of what locked through his head in a moment this deceitful. Maybe she had been too obedient, maybe she could have tried as hard as he did for her. It would be a thought that lasted forever.

Everything hurt, there wasn't enough in the world to pull it all into one feeling. Up until he finally stormed out she was left with nothing to say. She was ready to let go but she wasn't. Every part of her would be expected to lay where she were, accept what Alastor demanded of her. Maybe not move on but in that sense. Everything flicked like a switch when he made those final steps outside her den. She pulled herself up which had felt like days and her whole body ached from the recovery and her lack of helping it. It didn't stop her. She leaped forward, going to pull around his foreleg to get him to face her again outside of her den now, "Do it. I deserve it." What was another mark from him? Even if it was one she'd regret every time she saw it. It may have been too late for Irilyth, but she wouldn't let herself feel like she was let off easy from a silly demotion she may have never fully amounted to. Maybe just dwelling on how much Alastor hated her would be punishment enough.
