
Now is the time, Now is the hour

Pack Claim



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-19-2023, 06:22 PM

For shits and giggles, Scylla accompanied the members of her pack towards a supposed pack challenge. The older that she became and the more time she spent with her... hobbies... the more the small, slender woman enjoyed the sight of blood. More than enjoyed it. To watch one's lifeblood pour from it's vessel was heady. It was orgasmic. These were thoughts and feelings that she couldn't share with those closest to her, so the woman had to get her jollies away from her family. They just wouldn't understand this literal bloodlust that had come to consume her. Watching something bleed, watching something die... it gave the fae happy little tingles in her lower bits. What better place to watch someone bleed than a pack challenge?

As the quartet neared the scene, the blue and cream fae's mismatched gaze slithered around the gathering, eyeing those that had come to observe. She didn't recognize anyone, but that wasn't surprising. Scylla tended to stick to herself and her small circle. Alastor recognized someone though. The giant brute went stiff, his obsidian eyes going wide for a moment. Curious. Scylla followed his gaze to rest on Kichi and noticed the surprise and anger there as well. Interesting.

The group settled down to watch the show and Scylla was quickly disappointed. "Well this isn't what I expected," she mumbled, glancing at Manea. The fight was surprisingly lackluster. It was as though neither wolf knew quite how to fight. Either that, or they were worried about hurting one another. What was the point of fighting for land if you weren't prepared to eviscerate your opponent to claim it? These two would never hold up against Scylla's family nor Elysium's wolves. Not at all.

With a sigh, the slate colored fae slid down to lay upon her stomach, her long tail flicking back and forth behind her. She continued to survey the combatants, though their little slap fight wasn't keeping her interest. Again she looked towards Manea, "Not enough blood." Blue and grey eyes shifted back to the fighters. "I bet that one might even look pretty covered in blood." Tan was such a boring color, after all.

"Scylla Klein"
Scylla should be seen as a very adult character who will indulge in acts that others may find graphic and uncomfortable. Steer clear if you don't like this sort of thing.
[Image: vF1xS6t.png]