
i cant stop



10-19-2013, 02:38 AM
Isardis Armada
It seemed the two would bicker between themselves, and the ivory King had no intention of paying either of their words much thought. Kristoffer was blood, and if that wasn?t a good enough reason to give him a chance then nothing was. However, if he betrayed the pack or dragged his weight about aimlessly then he would be punished and stripped of his surname, treated no differently to the foolish boy ?Taurig? who had been mauled barely weeks before. The russet and blue mans words would result in the rising of a brow, ?I would be interested to see you try.? A word of taunt as he suggested the man was virtually incapable of taking his women anyway. ?You will be taken into the ranks as an Assailant, pull your weight and you will be promoted to the rank of ?Blood? as all relatives are.? Oh how amusing it was to see them argue, he would allow them to sort it out between them, it didn?t bother him so to see his siblings quarrel, ?A war meeting is fast coming, I suggest you attend it. For now you may enjoy a little one-on-one with your so obviously missed sister.? He chuckled weakly, unsure as to whether or not Abelinda would forgive him or even stay to squabble. It would be then he would cast the man a final curious gaze, smirking lightly as he would turn and take his hasty leave.

-- exit isar!

This is the grace that only we can bestow.

original code by kia