
Training's Over [Meeting]

Calico Jack

Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (465)

Master Navigator (285)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Dodge!1KPride - PansexualOoh La LaSamhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
01-20-2023, 02:17 PM
While winter has cooled the air of Boreas, the chilly days do little to deter Calico Jack from exploring. In fact, most of the time, the patchwork hued pup finds himself straying from the lands of his home more than he is actually in them. While some may take that as a sign that he doesn’t like to be home, the pup knows the truth. His heart is out there in the huge, wide world and he is determined to explore every last inch of it.

So, with the heart of an adventurer, it is pure luck that the boy is wandering along the black sands of the beach his family calls home when his mother lets out a call to gather for a meeting. Excitement pounds through him as he knows that meeting usually means raids and he doesn’t want to miss those. With a smile playing across his lips, Cal turns toward the direction of the call and sets off.

Smoothly pulling into a trot, Jack swiftly makes it to where his mother a few others have gathered. As he slows, the pup allows his pale blue gaze to roam over the three wolves that have already arrived and is delighted to realize that he knows at least two of them. Moving to join them, Calico joins the yearling and swiftly folds his haunches to sit with him.

If a raid is being called, the pup is hopeful that he can join the adults but only if there is room. Looking to the taller boy, Jack whispers, “Happy birth season.” Eyes sparkle with joy as he tosses the boy a wink before turning his gaze turns to where his mother is. Chest puffs out as he waits to hear what today holds for the pirates.

"Calico Jack"

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