
Now is the time, Now is the hour

Pack Claim



4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
01-20-2023, 09:40 PM

Just as the beast was finishing a routine patrol a howl made it's way to him. It was a challenge. Curiosity soared through the Klein as he considered how close it seemed to be. After rumors of a disbanded pack were making their way through the lands it only made sense that this was the next step. Those with a hunger for power were leaping at the chance to claim a throne. Personally, he had no interest in a crown at this point in his life. As long as Venom and her line remained in power he had no reason to seek anything more then a rank within Ashen. With all that being said, he was interested to see who their new neighbor will be. Ths, the beast found himself heading that way.

Upon arrival Incubus immediately took note of the fighters. A tall tan lass versus a striped monochromatic fae. They were in the midst of their struggle for power as he sauntered on into the mix of spectators. As pale eyes scanned the Wolves they seemed to exhibit a pinch of joy upon finding Seere. She was the only truly familiar face here and thus the Ashigaru made his way to her.

Incubus sat to the right of his Niece and offered a small smirk, "Do you know either of the fighters?" The older male watched the fight for a few moments before allowing a curious gaze to move along the sea of spectators. A purple She-Wolf caught his attention, their was an uncanny resemblance to his 'friend' Desponia and he wondered if their was relation there. But, his eye did not linger for long, having little desire to bring unwanted attention their way, he merely took note of the others before continuing to observe the battle.


[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]