

bellamy, beau



Expert Fighter (120)

Beginner Hunter (0)

7 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Hit!
01-21-2023, 09:13 AM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2023, 09:14 AM by Tanelan. Edited 1 time in total.)
Tanelan - Benson

He wanted his body to melt away and not be here. Yet it was Beau who kept him grounded. Tan felt his heart beginning to slow as Beau placed his paw over his own. At least they felt somewhat like themselves when they were with him. Tan could at least agree with the alters on this subject. Especially when things had been so confusing for the past season for them. They didn't know what ever happened to Wren and they might never will. What was important was that they were here in Ethne now. "Fenix is a good guy. Yeah." they seemed a bit hesitant with the answer but that was because every wolf so far to treat him was so obsessed with curing them and their system. However, if Tanelan continued to think about this rabbit hole of thoughts right now he feared he'd switch.

The woman who greeted them matched the description Fenix had given the pair. So this was the alpha then? Tan felt self-conscious his social anxiety somewhat taking hold but he thought about how Beau felt. When their friend had been going through a disaster of events the past season ever since he met Tan.... Was he bad luck to beau? Part of him was tempted to let Beau do all the talking but Tan themselves ended up answering.. "Yes, we come from the menagerie after the alpha disappeared. Fenix has been treating me, I uh, live with multiple wolves in me." god when he said it out loud it sounded insane! His anxiety sparked that same feeling... within a moment it appeared that he became smaller. Simply because he shrank in his pelt and pushed themselves into Beau's side.

Benson found himself sheepishly staring at the alpha in front of them. He whimpered softly, looking to Beau for help. Even if the switch was slight Benson and the others had become quiet adept at protecting themselves by adjusting for when they fronted. After all they all knew they'd been heading to Ethne. For a new life with Beau.
Lan has DID and can switch personalities without notice
Mika is considered rated M
Beau may enter any threads as their partner