
sweetest submission- drinking it in...



10-19-2013, 06:08 AM
Isardis Armada

Had it been the eerie spine-raking of a scream that would so uncouthly drag him from his slumber, or simply a false haunting within his mind? Alas, The King would awaken from within the den of which his queen and babes would rest; tongue unfurling from salmon jaws and into the structures of a half-hearted yawn, rubies blinking blearily amidst the darkness of his confines. Brittlely he would lift himself, stealing silently from his chamber and bhnjinto the moonlit wonderland of Sparse Pines. But what tainted the air? He would pause, nostrils quivering as both a perfume of allure and the nauseating fragrance of blood would crawl so fervently up his pipes.

Hastily he would seek her out, hounding her scent like a predator to its prey; wary, cautious, and yet all the more thrilled to discover the loitering form of a ghost-like figure. The ghoul would pause, angelic within the eerie glow of his flawlessness, swaying lightly as he would call towards the strange presence, ruby gaze shifting focus, ?Is the beauty wounded?? mischievously would come his voice, lips contorting upwards into a daring smirk. No, he couldn?t quite see her well enough to determine her appeal, but there was something oddly enthralling about her mystifying presence.

ooc; I wasn?t 100% if she was actually wounded, so just presumed? :) ps- welcome!

This is the grace that only we can bestow.

original code by kia