
Mornings With Decisions [Demonio]


03-08-2013, 07:32 PM

This was ridiculous. The ivory dames lips were pulled over her teeth in agitation. Her massive frame swaying from side to side as her heavily paced gait carried her through the darkened territory of Tortuga. Her two-toned eyes glanced up at the moon if she were to guess, it ranged around three in the morning. Kaien had sent her along with a few scarce others on a hunt, the only problem was that the herd of elk had long since moved on. It had taken them four days to find the heard, take down a few, and drag the carcasses back. Four days, and the ivory dame was quite exasperated.

This, however, was not what she found so utterly irritating, she had returned to her den and had taken a moment to glance around the empty space with disdain. It simply would not do. Demonio was hers. Her mate. Her soon to be lover. Her best friend. No they had not spoken to Kaien yet, but she would not spend another night without him. That much she certain of. Without a word, she abandoned the space and trudged across Tortuga following the scent that always lingered in the back of her mind. She hadn't seen Demonio in nearing five days and she felt, empty, hollow, distant. Without him she felt incomplete like a piece of her was simply not there, she missed him terribly, her thoughts forever lingering upon her mate. She needed to see him, wanted to see him and she cared little what time of night it was, he was her heart and she could not think to survive without him.

His den was up a small ravine, carved into the side of a rolling hill. She scaled it easily and without a sound. Her two-toned gaze falling on the slumbering form of her mate and peace blossomed in her soul. She took her time admiring the slumbering form before her. The curves and lines of his body, his scent that teased her senses, the way his chest rose and fell with each breath he took. He yearned for him to open his eyes, to see those reflecting colors of sky blue and maroon, but she hadn't the heart to wake him.

Her claws made little noise as they brushed the floor of his den, her massive body slowly moving behind his own. She lowered her body to the floor, curling her massive frame around his own and cementing her bodice to his own. She coiled her neck around his own, and tugged him impossibly closer, unsuccessfully merging them into one being through the power of osmosis. She nuzzled the side of his maw, before pulling her head back, burying dark nasals into that space behind his ear and licking him gently, unable to stop herself. She would forfeit her den to Kaien in the morning, this was where she belonged.
