
A little boo-boo




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
01-22-2023, 01:24 AM

A little smirk tugged at Manea's lips as her daughter immediately took her up on her offer to help with wrapping her paw. Mariah and her interest in things was absolutely adorable and no, she didn't think she was being biased in thinking that. Of course she naturally thought her children were perfect in every way and destined for wonders and greatness, but even beyond all of that she was simply proud whenever one of her children found something they were interested in or enjoyed–like Avaycn and her crafts, Saracyn with his hunting, and Fia with her sharp mind. Mariah and Malico were still so young and there was so much time ahead of them for them to explore and find what excited them most and Manea was always eager to be there along the way to watch them learn.

Holding her paw out for Mariah and keeping it low enough that it would be easy for the small girl to reach, she watched as her daughter slowly and carefully wrapped the roll around her paw until it felt secure. She hadn't given a ton of direction for what to do–partly because she wasn't entirely sure what the proper technique was herself and partly because the stakes were so low–but Mariah seemed to have a natural talent for it regardless. When Mariah decided she was finished, Manea gave a little flex of her paw just to make sure the bandages were secure and wouldn't slip off if she began to move around. They weren't too tight nor too loose, just as she had told her. She gave Mariah a proud grin and nodded as she questioned whether or not it felt okay. "That's perfect, Mariah. Well done."

With that finished, Manea moved over to one of the furs that was laid out in the space and settled down on to her stomach, patting the spot beside her for Mariah to join her. "You seemed to like that a lot," she mentioned with a little smile. "We could see about setting up some lessons with Aunt Ikigai or Irilyth if you'd like. I know either of them would absolutely love to have a student to teach. Maybe you could be our next Master Physician one day."

Manea | Temno | Ciemny