
Down the Path of Least Resistance



Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

5 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
01-22-2023, 08:34 PM

He hadn't been seeking out anything that afternoon other than a casual exploration of territory that he had never seen to quiet his mind from his pack duties. However, as the breeze shifted momentarily, it brought the scent of old blood Curious. The source could have been a variety of things. The remnants of a carcass, afterbirth from a lesser creature, or perhaps ... a nearby wolf in distress. Coran was by no means a trained healer, but a wolf that spent a lot of time on his or her own needed to know the basics of how to keep a wound properly dressed. And the desire to offer assistance where it might be needed ran thick in his Adravendi lineage. Even if it were just to put a wretched creature out of its misery.

The direction that the scent had come from drifted through the cover of the thick grass off to the side of the game trail he followed. Not wanting to invade the privacy of whoever it concealed, he hesitated outside the growth. Just as he cleared his throat to spring- and bring attention to himself- the wind shifted once more in his favor. Beyond the scent of a wound, he was given a hint that indicated a woman. "Excuse me, miss." He started, his thick baritone voice as gentle and politely concerned as he could manage. "Are you alright?"

Of course, he would not force his assistance on her. If she commanded him away, he would respect her wishes. However, he couldn't allow himself to pass her by without an offer at the very least.