
Shake out your boots



"Until We Meet Again"


4 Years

VengeanceOoh La LaSamhain 2022ScarredDouble Master
01-23-2023, 05:03 PM

The snow arrives and the pair move to descend from their earthen perch, Keahi quickly gathering her special dagger from its hiding place and buckling back against her foreleg. It has become an old friend and, when she removed it for the storm, the red woman had felt naked without it. Now, back in its rightful place, the tropical wolf releases a small sigh of relief and trails after Sirius as he leads the way down the mountain path. With deft paws, the pair make down without any incidents.

Back on the ground, the pace increases and she matches the Warlord’s trot, eager to sink into the warm waters that the baths offer. When they step paw into the cave, Keahi unconsciously sucks in a breath at the sudden, extreme difference in temperature and her frozen body suddenly awakens. Her body begins to tingle all over as the air stirs her body into remembering what warmth truly is. Another sigh rolls past her lips as she enjoys the way the humid air settles into her lungs, bringing with it, memories of hot days in her homeland.

Sirius moves off into a smaller room and the red wolf follows after him, pausing as he easily slips into the warmed water. First, Keahi carefully peels off the soaked woolen cloak from her frame before placing it on a peg in the wall that the steam will help it dry quickly. Then, she removes her fur-lined armor so that it can dry on another peg and she places the dagger gently underneath the armor. With that done, she turns to the inviting waters and steps into them.

She has to bite back a hiss as the tingling increases, her nerves fully awaken to let her know just how cold she really is. Moving further into the warm pool, the red woman carefully sinks into the water as she allows her body to slowly wake up. Looking to Sirius, Keahi hums gratefully, “This is paradise. I did not realize just how absolutely freezing I was!” A soft laugh fills the air as she sinks down until only her head is above the water and she hums with pleasure.

"Keahi Mogotsi"