
Wraiths and Shadows




2 Years
01-23-2023, 05:09 PM

When she was met with the familiar sound of an opening barrier, she couldn't help the reflex to swallow her nerves. She could feel the proximity to the towering brute shrinking with each passing second, though she fought the urge to look up to look at him. Instead, she stood as still as she could- minus the faint tremble in her back legs. Her silver gaze remained fixed on the ground before her, and she almost held her resolve until she felt his touch at the side of her face. It was gentle, but her muscles still tensed in reflex. She didn't trust it. He introduced himself as Sirius, followed by his title and pack. She committed the information to memory, but in the end, it all meant nothing to her. No matter who she answered to, her position never changed. Or at least, that was what she had been taught.

His words were sweet, but she hated the way they made her feel. She couldn't help but get the feeling they were coated in venom. He asked her a question, but she couldn't tell if it was one she was supposed to answer or not. Part of her didn't want to. Part of her didn't want to confess her crime, so she chose to remain quiet. Even still, she recalled receiving the punishment as if it had been yesterday. Early on in her capture, she thought she had an opportunity to escape. That was a mistake- or an opportunity for an educational experience as it had been phrased to her. It went on for weeks.

Now she had very little feeling in it from the previous trauma. However, with her eyes fixed on the ground, she witnessed him reach out and touch her flattened and misshaped paw. He made the implication that perhaps it could possibly be healed if broken again, but she didn't believe him. Swallowing again, she attempted her own voice. "I-If it pleases you ... sir." Adelina finished- her voice dry and broken from lack of use. It was the response that she thought he would want to hear. However, the spike in anxiety that pierced her gut couldn't be ignored. Another wave of tremors enveloped her limbs, but she did her best to lock her knees to try and convince them to be still