
Wraiths and Shadows




2 Years
01-23-2023, 09:31 PM

When the silence fell between them, she didn't know how to react. The prevailing question at the forefront of her mind just so happened to be ... what now? However, she dare not ask it aloud, as she was sure she didn't want to be made aware of the answer. Instead, she was ordered to move faster, in which she did pick up her hobbling pace. But when he suddenly stopped, she nearly collided with the man. It seemed that he was upset, and she didn't know what to say. Or even where to start. She didn't think he cared about the part where she lived with her mother on their own for the first year.

Then he added a clarifier, wanting details on the methods who first captors had employed. "W-well, in the beginning, I tried to resist ... but I was shown the consequences of that." She started, being intentionally vague as to not have to go into details that would cause her to relive it. "We were in i-isolation, though, it was just something we had to learn for ourselves." There was no guidance to be offered from wolves who had traveled down this path before them. So, it was up to them to learn the rules. "They would set us up for failure, just to be ... corrected. In the first few days, my bindings were left intentionally loose, my containment left slightly ajar." For some reason it made her feel guilty now, that she had tried to escape. She didn't want to admit it, but felt it had been implied enough. "I fell for their trap before I knew better. Now I do." She finished, slowly holding up her ruined paw to indicate that was where it had come from. It was also an attempt at trying to lightly ensure that she wasn't going to try to run now.

The more she went on, the more frantic she slowly became. She didn't know what he wanted to hear. She didn't know the stopping point, and while she could on and on about her treatments, she really didn't want to. But Sirius had yet to stop her, so she dug for more. "They were disappointed that I had no skills or talents to contribute initially." Adelina explained, admitting to him that she was generally useless, except for one thing.  "Though I was ... modified, and taught how to be used." She finished, again, not wanting to come out with her condition forthright. But it was very obvious that she was missing her tail. She didn't want to have to come out and expressly say it. "I-I don't know what else to say." She tailed off quietly in a pleading tone, admitting her uncertainty in their current conversation. She didn't want to have to go into any more detail.