
Snowy Bridge Fight!



Master Fighter (355)

Expert Healer (175)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

4 Years

Snake Eyes
01-29-2023, 08:24 PM

The boy of clouded greys and black follows the Sumatar out to the rapids where the pair move to cross a wooden bridge. Eyes scan the area as they stop in the middle and Kotori turns to face him. Mismatched eyes blink in surprise as the man tells him that they will be fighting here, on the bridge before the rules are quickly laid out. Strix listens while inspecting the space, trying to determine how tight of a turn he would need to make and how to use the snowy landscape to his advantage. Luckily, a storm had blown through the night before and left behind piles of snow and, while paws have already beaten down much of the powder on the bridge, it can still affect how he will fight. Looking to Kotori as he finishes speaking, the boy says, “Understood. Ready yourself.”

The familiar tingle of excitement that accompanies fighting begins in his paws as Strix swiftly sets his defenses. Legs spread and he tests the snow with his toes, testing what kind of grip he has. Once Kotori signals he is ready, the boy takes off, kicking up powder as he launches across the short distance. While Kotori may be much taller than him, the small Klein boy knows he has speed on his side. Even in the short space between them, the boy is able to gather enough speed so that, when he suddenly cuts to the right and dips his butt down to slow his pace, a wide plume of white powder is kicked up. He aims the snow at Kotori’s face, hoping to momentary blind him while, at the same time, attempting to strike out at the man’s front left leg as he pass.

Strix vs Kotori for Spar
Round 1/?
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Small
Build: Light
Skills: Master Fighter & Expert Healer
Specialty: Unarmed

"Strix Klien"