
Date Night

Syanna <3


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
01-25-2023, 01:37 AM

Ezra had never really been one to linger on his work longer than he needed to, but that was especially true today when he had actual plans to get to outside of the usual evenings he spent with Syanna. In the span of their relationship they hadn't had too many of what he would consider proper "dates", but since they spent every day eating their dinners together and loving each other senseless he didn't suppose that was necessarily a bad thing. Still, as he began to work even more closely with Artorias with his still fairly new rank of High Councilor and he got to hear about and see more often the relationship Artorias had with Briar and how they spent their time between taking care of their pups. It got him thinking and wondering if maybe he should be making some more intentional plans and doing things beyond the easy nights they spent together after their days of usual pack work. He didn't know if that was something that mattered to Syanna or not, but he decided it was worth doing. She was special to him and she was more than worth something a little special.

With some wine and dinner packed, he met up with Syanna once his last patrol of the day was done and began to walk with her down the path that led to the near by beach. He was very fortunate that the rainy, stormy summer had let up for a day at least so they had a nice, mildly warm and clear evening to enjoy. It was late in the afternoon now and the sun was beginning to set as they reached the soft sands of the shore, the bioluminescence of the sand just beginning to be noticeable with the dimming light. He brought her over to where he had already set up the wood for a small campfire, having snuck down to the beach that morning before he got to work so that it would be ready for them when evening came. He made quick work of lighting it and then turned back to Syanna with a smile while he rolled out a fur for them to lay on in the light of the fire. It was warm enough that they didn't need a big fire for warmth, but having the light as it got darker would be nice.

"Sorry I didn't have time to get very fancy with our dinner," he apologized as he pulled out the simple dinner of berries, wine, and venison. It was nothing extravagant or all that unusual from what they usually had, but hopefully the setting made it at least more romantic. Chuckling softly, he settled down onto the fur beside her before tugging the cork free of the wine bottle and passing it to her. "Ladies first!" he said with his signature grin before reaching for a couple berries.

"Syanna & Ezra"