
Date Night

Syanna <3


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
01-25-2023, 09:04 PM

The relationship Syanna and Ezra had built together was one of comfortable familiarity. She had been with Ezra and living in the Hallows for far longer than she had ever done anywhere or with anyone else. Would she call herself domesticated? Maybe just a smidge, but it was a good kind of domesticated, the kind where she was still afforded all of her freedoms to run and to roam while still having the comforts of a stable home and someone she could come back to. Ezra had been nothing but kind and loving to her from day one. He had become the foundation upon which she established her new life. He celebrated with her in her triumphs and supported her in her falls. While it still unnerved her sometimes to think about how much she loved the big, dopey dire wolf, she had become comfortable with seeing things for what they were. She loved Ezra, and he loved her.

Breaking a bit from their normal routines of spending their days together, sharing meals, and burning together in intimate passions through the nights, Ezra had planned something special for them. The notion intrigued Syanna, who immediately became suspicious of what her boyfriend was up to. Ezra didn't plot and scheme very often, but when he did it was never anything small. They went about their days as normal, the vixen-like fae daydreaming up what he could be planning for them. She met up with Ezra once he had finished up his duties and was surprised to find him toting a picnic along with him! Looked like it was a surprise date night he had been planning for them all along! Meeting her love with a kiss, she walked alongside the giant wolf as he led the way down to the shimmering sands of the nearby coast. Sunset was coming across the lands, meaning the beach would soon be all aglow like it became every night. It seemed Ezra was really going out of his way to create something romantic for them. Syanna turned a happy little smile up to the Adravendi man; he was so good to her.

While Ezra got to setting up their little campsite and lighting their fire, Syanna got comfortable on the spread out fur and watched him go about his business. Ordinarily she was highly independent and headstrong and would have insisted on letting her help him set up, but just this once she supposed she could let him pamper her a bit. She regarded Ezra with an affectionate smile when he finally came to rest on the fur beside her, shifting to lie closer to him until their sides were touching while he retrieved their meal from the pack. "You know fancy has never mattered to me. All that I care about is that you did something thoughtful for me," she replied, leaning her neck up so she could plant a tender lick to her boyfriend's cheek. "Thank you for spoiling me, handsome."

Ezra set to uncorking their bottle of wine while Syanna helped herself to some of the berries and a piece of fresh venison. Once the wine was opened, she graciously took it and swatted at his hip with her tail, shooting a roguish smirk to him. "Ladies first, eh? Trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me?" she teased him, but swallowed a slow draft of the semisweet red wine before handing the bottle over to him to let Ezra join her on their trip towards inebriation. "So what prompted all this?" asked Syanna with a curious brow raised, looking up to Ezra with interested emerald eyes. She knew she wasn't missing any special occasions, so was he just being sweet on her, or did he have some ulterior motives with their picnic campout?

"Syanna & Ezra"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.