
maybe we exist to bleed

deimos/mal - fighting seasonal winter y18



2 Years
Extra large
01-25-2023, 11:27 PM (This post was last modified: 01-25-2023, 11:29 PM by Rhysand. Edited 4 times in total.)

Rhys had taken it upon himself to begin patrolling the borders. It was something to keep him busy and a great way to get to know the packlands. The comings and goings of their members, their scents, and if any outsiders were lingering about too long. So far, in the week he'd been in Elysium, everything was perfectly quiet. No trespassers or really anything alarming enough to report. That is until this especially cold winters day. A brisk wind came crashing into him and with it brought the putrid scent of Coyote. Immediately the pale male slowed to a stop and allowed those sharp green eyes to scan the region. Slowly pivoting to get a look of what lingered at his six and finding various sets of ravenous eyes staring back at him. He was confused as to how they'd snuck up on him with such ease but perhaps the wind was loud enough to cover the sounds of pad falls. Nevertheless there was no time to dwell on the how, Rhy had to deal with this.

Of course he didn't want to have to call for help so early on into his stay within the pack but it was better then somehow getting bested and picked apart by these little demons. How pathetic it would be for the next patrol to find his torn up carcass... He'd be but a blip in the pack's overarching timeline. Thus, Rhys tossed his head into the air and let forth a quick and urgent call for any warriors nearby willing to lend a paw.

As that call left his lips the Coyotes began pressing in on him. There were five total, that he knew of. Three were directly in front of him while two inched in at either flank. Rhysand let forth a deep growl as his hackles raised and his ears flicked back. Lips curled upward to display saliva covered fangs while he angled his muzzle downwards. He may be rather skinny but Rhys had a considerable amount of height. He was trying to buy time with a threatening display. But, they continued to inch towards him rather relentlessly. - In a flash the Coyote to his right darted towards his hind leg and Rhys was forced to quickly pivot towards the creature, aiming to quickly dart at the creature and shove his shoulder into it's head. He knew at this point the others would likely join in and Rhys hoped help was on the way...

(wc: 414/1500)


Rhysand is a rated M character.
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