
Bite The Poison Apple



"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
01-26-2023, 04:37 PM
Left immobile and completely out of control of his body, the poor Elysian prince could do nothing but lie there in the snow, wondering who would ambush a wolf like this out in the wild lands, and more importantly who he would be eviscerating for their insolence to attack a Mendacium prince of all wolves! As if the fates were reading his mind and conspiring to make a mockery of him, a soft, almost lyrical female voice spoke out behind him, calling him by a nickname he hadn’t heard in several seasons. Had he any control over his muscles, Saracyn’s ears would have pricked up at he voice. He recognized that voice… but it couldn’t be. And yet there she emerged into his vision, gazing down at him with what he could only assume was disappointment in her mismatched eyes. Scylla had come back. She was older now, naturally, and had matured into a young adult fae. She no longer had all the lanky, awkward features that had earned her the nickname of squirrel-thing from the brute in their adolescence. Rather, she had become this graceful, svelte creature, wreathed in silver moonlight that practically made her fur glow. She was still ludicrously small, and even collapsed onto his side she was only just above him. But there was something different about her now... a confidence that hadn't been there before, a proudness in who she was. This was not the same Scylla he had known as a teenager.

Sara’s breathing caught in a sharp hiss of surprise, bright cerulean irises still moving and focused to show he was conscious and aware, but unable to even lift his head to look at her properly. His brows twitched in a weak glower, barely able to narrow while a vibrating growl rumbled in his throat. He tried to say her name, but only mumbled sounds came from his throat, his vocal cords reverting back to baser sounds only. His mind tried to will his body to move, to lunge out at Scylla, but all it did was make his taut muscles flex and ripple gently beneath his fur coat, his entire nervous system frozen in stasis. She continued to speak as she cleaned the snow from his face and gathered up his dropped furs and made them into a makeshift pillow. His entire body felt like it was made of lead as she manipulated and moved him—heavy and dead weight, but still entirely perceptive to the sensation of touch. He could feel every stroke of her dexterous digits over his face and her paws cradling his head as if his nerves were still fully functional, but could do nothing in response.

Scylla detailed what her intentions out here had been and how he had wound up an unfortunate victim in her plans. Then she began to describe in detail how her sedative worked. At least he knew it wouldn't be permanent... Another low growl rumbled in the young brute's throat, but it was more of annoyance than aggression. Not like he could do anything about it anyway. Already he was looking forward to his voice coming back first, if for no other reason than to chew her out for sedating him like this. As she was explaining her sedative's effect, Saracyn began to feel a stirring between his thighs, strong enough to break through the tingling numbness of his paralysis. Unable to look down, he was incapable of confirming what he suspected was happening, but he didn't need to look to know what he was feeling. Scylla wrinkled her nose and smiled this impish little girl at him then and confirmed his dread—the sedative had affected his blood flow in more ways than one. Cheeks flushing with embarrassment at this compromising position she had left him in, Saracyn huffed and growled again, his sounds warbling the longer he tried to maintain them.

Saracyn glared back up at Scylla while she looked him over, clearly pleased with how her sedative was working on him, despite him not being her intended target. He didn't like how her mismatched eyes kept drifting down towards his hind legs though, knowing that all of his maleness was out on display for her against his will. But then the petite fae got this look in her eyes—this sinister, naughty gleam that Sara hadn't seen in her before. Whatever she was thinking, it was something very pleasing to her though. What the hell was she thinking that got that sort of look from her? He huffed again, watching Scylla through smoldering eyes while he waited for the effects of the sedative to wear off. When he got control of his body again, ohh how he was going to make her pay for this humiliation...

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.
