
Who Will Falter, Who Will Conquer




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
01-26-2023, 04:25 PM
The fact was simple, she didn't care about that first time they had been together partially unwillingly, or about the manic condition Alastor had left her father in. She hadn't forgotten, it was just never something that bothered her. After that had happened she did her best to do everything to better Alastor. Hiding the scars, keeping her distance, and everything grew from there. But it was never what transpired back in the grove. In some sort of sick way all she wanted to do was to please Alastor just the same way she tried to please Kefka when she was growing up. She never thought Alastor had expectations like her father had but she did feel like the only way they could keep doing what they were doing was to bend every part of her will for him. She did until now.

She was silent for that moment and her chest ached to see this battle in him, and the devastation she had put him through. Again, always blaming herself. She took a hard quiet breath in, holding back more emotions herself that seemed to try and rattle out while she wanted to keep her composure for him. She caught on to his, but she didn't need to know anymore. She wouldn't call him out, demand that he tell her truth and open up more about what he was fighting. It wasn't in her nature. Pale eyes and damp cheeks looked up at him as he told her to move but there she was again, "I'm not afraid of you Alastor." Her voice was soft, from the heart. It wasn't some kind of solid stance of what she thought she could handle. She trusted Alastor with her life, even now. And if he maimed her beyond repair, or killed her, she believed it was simply meant to be that way. She'd accept it, from him. She had proven herself obedient and resilient in past times. This would be no different. She took a step backwards and then went to walk past him back towards her den like he asked. Regretful for everything that had happened. Maybe kicking herself for not giving him the true part of her heart long ago. At least regarding the loss of their pups, things may have been different.
