
Back to Eden


"The Golden Boy"


Expert Hunter (160)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Dream Weaver
Mammoth Hunter1K
01-26-2023, 10:46 PM
As he had already planned he'd leave her the rest of the deer before he left. It was all cut and prepared it would just have to be moved to where she wanted to keep it stored. He'd take a bite or two as well as she had started, raising his brow and giving a quiet chuckle as she had insisted they'd do just fine without the wine. "It makes things a little more fun." He responded back, looking down to his bit of meal before taking another bite. Joking tone, but all too serious. Maybe he knew he had a problem, and he was just masking everything over with a laugh. Maybe he wanted someone to share the interest with him. He couldn't say for sure. Better to just drown everything out and take it one day at a time.

She did answer that she was staying nearby in the treelines of the garden. He did take notice on how she was thinking ahead, maybe planning on moving again soon. He had been a wide traveler, but other than pack life he hadn't stayed in one particular spot for more than a few days. He wasn't predetermining where he'd have to move or why. It was a little heartbreaking he supposed. He wasn't going to go as far as inviting her into The Hallows with him though he had to admit having her company would boost his overall mood.

After she spoke and while he hadn't quite finished his meal, specifically in response to her own answer, he rose and took gentle steps toward her. He didn't move fast, but deep inside his soul he was eager. To him it was almost like fate brought her here this close to The Hallows, or more so to him. A bit of the world revolving around him complex. "Maybe..." He'd go to lay down beside her, facing in towards her but with one paw gently dropping to place down around her back and shoulders. A bit unexpected perhaps, he may have acted pretty kind and neutral up until now. "I could come to visit you more often here?" His voice was low, quiet, he was sure to get her attention at least while this close to her. The thought that she may not have been ready, or accepting of him being so forthcoming wasn't even in existence in his mind. She should want to be with him, or so he thought. It could have been true. She was all alone out here after all. With another paw moving to place over both of her own, he'd lean forward to start and kiss her as if that's what she wanted this whole time. He had that night they were buzzed and cuddled on his mind almost the whole time he was here with her today, he just made it seem like he was only here to help her with her every day tasks. He didn't mind of course, but he certainly had other things on his mind. That would show now.

"Balthier Destruction"
Balthier can be rated a !M! mature character due to alcohol abuse.