
gold runs in our blood

resin <3



2 Years
Extra large
01-26-2023, 10:55 PM

So far Rhysand had been doing a wonderful job at keeping busy. His den on the island was coming together nicely. It took a good amount of time and effort  to transfer all of his belongings from his previous den into the new one. But the hard work was paying off. There was something soothing about coming home to a perfectly decorated space with rich ambiance and layers of luxuriously comfortable pelts after a long days work. Rhys cherished those moments which is why he put in such an effort to prefect his home. With that being said, he figured it was time to begin really getting to know his new pack lands. He was fairly familiar with the path to and from the island and various bits of the rock garden. But he'd yet to explore firefly lake, which was what was on today's agenda.

The sun was at the end of it's reign with beautiful hues of purple and orange painting the sky above. Rhysand gracefully moved through the various paths carved through the territory by it's inhabitants towards the lake. Those lengthy strides ceased as those pale green eyes feasted upon the sight of the lake. Fireflies flickered about the brush surrounding the water, some even flying above the surface. A little smile tugged at his lips as he took in the nearly fantastical sight. After a few moments Rhys moved closer to the lake padding carefully along the bank. Everything was so picturesque he understood why Manea had selected this region. Honestly, all three of the Elysium territories were impressive. All the more reason for Rhys to be happy with his decision to join.


Rhysand is a rated M character.
[Image: Banshee-icon.png][Image: Cairn-Icon.png][Image: incubus-icon.png][Image: rhysand-icon.png][Image: thyri-icon.png][Image: Vaella-icon.png][Image: verity-icon.png]