
Sister, Sister




Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
01-27-2023, 12:01 AM

Ruse had been pleasantly surprised by her sister's insistence that they go out and spend the day together. They had never really spent much time together before now, but Ruse was happy to get to catch up for lost time now. She had admittedly been a little bitter when Scylla returned and she and Albion and moved into the den she had been sharing with Cerberus, but that had passed quickly once she grew used to the extra company and hadn't been stopped from cuddling with Cerberus at night. It certainly wasn't because she didn't love all of her siblings, she just had been fairly detached from them growing up. Albion and Scylla felt like they had kept mostly to themselves and her younger siblings from Aliana had been just a bit too young for her to really connect with much. Cerberus was the only one she had connected with much, but it was high time for that to change. Now that they were living in Elysium together there was plenty of time for her to get to know them.

She walked out to the nearby lake with Scylla and watched as her sister tested the ice before beginning to walk out across the surface of it, following her lead and falling into step beside her once Scylla seemed to deem it safe to walk on. She was still getting used to living in a place that got cold enough to freeze water this solid. Sometimes she missed the tropical island that Fenmyre had occupied and that had been her home for the whole first half of her life, but she couldn't get over all of these new sights and experiences she got to have here in the northern part of Boreas. The ice glittered lightly under the sunlight and everything was so quiet and peaceful here with even the sounds of the water and the usual bugs chased away by the cold. She turned her two-toned gaze over to Scylla as her sister asked how Elysium had been for her, allowing her attention to be pulled away from their surroundings.

"It's been good," she replied easily, a smile lingering on her lips. "It's been... different, but good." She looked back out over the frozen lake as she added, "Admittedly I probably wouldn't have liked it as much if it wasn't for Cerberus, but I still think I've learned a lot and experienced a lot more than I would have back home." Was the island in Auster still home to her? She supposed it was, at least for now. Maybe eventually her mind would make the switch, but Elysium still felt a bit like somewhere she was visiting for now. She didn't know what would make the difference for her other than just the amount of time she spent here.

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"