
stop mooning me


Raiders Hollow
The Crow

Master Fighter (450)

Master Navigator (354)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!UnderachieverSamhain 2022
01-27-2023, 10:27 AM

Unlike that of his sister, Scald enjoyed what little company his mother would give him. Call him a mama's boy or whatever, but he was the only one who even slightly resembled her. Everyone else had taken after their father and while his dad was fine enough, Scald felt more of a connection to Modesty. So when she asked if he would accompany her and his sister to do some sightseeing, he didn't hesitate to go along. This time, his closest friend and brother, Rexx wouldn't be tagging along, but the brown kid named Sakana that was Ajax's brother was. Not really interested in the guy like he was in Deluge, Scald stuck closer to Modesty's side as they moved down south.

Along the way, they picked up another youngster around their age. Eyeing her occasionally as she chattered away to Deluge, Scald listened in with keen ears as he gathered in their surroundings. They skirted the edge of a pack's territory that scented as if they covered half the continent. His nose tingled at the smell but he was glad when it was gone. Not that it would be long until another pack's scent picked up not far away. Hadn't mom said something about Auster not being very populated? Maybe it had been too long since she'd been down here...

Either way, he was surprised when they stopped in a hilly area that seemed devoid of plant life. Dirt and bones surrounded them beneath a cloudless sky. Plunking his own butt down onto the hard ground, he wondered just how many bones were around them. What did they belong to anyway? They seemed huge. Larger than a bear or whatever those big beasts were that dad was describing... elephants? Yeah, elephants! Almost distracted by the scurry of a mouse into a hole, his interest was drawn toward his mother who was peering up at the starry sky. West?

His bi-colored gaze looked at those twinkling lights with curiosity. She had mentioned a time or two before about which way directions were, right? Scrunching his brow as he thought, Scald fought to not roll his eyes when he heard his sister's sarcastic mark. "I doubt its that way," he retorted to his sister with a sigh as he continued to study the stars. "Looks like it might be back that way," the boy mentioned as he turned his chin over his shoulder which really ended up being east.